I have always been interested in fashion and style. However, since my teenage years were somewhat spoilt by acne and a  resulting lack of self-esteem I came to appreciate how clothes, make-up and an air of confidence (aided by a slick of red lipstick!) can change the way you feel about yourself.
My epiphany came on my 40th birthday when I was treated to a COLOURmeBEAUTIFULconsultation and that was it  -SOLD!
I immediately implemented the ideas and colour schemes into my wardrobe and swiftly removed those items that drained me. Shopping became easier and more economical and a pleasure rather than chore. I realised that when people said "You look well" or "I love your top",or 'That colour really suits you" it was because I was wearing my best colours that suited my eyes, hair and complexion therefore radiating health and happiness. 
Having recently retired from teaching and moving house after after 32 years and  bringing up three children, I decided it was time for my change and trained as a Colour me Beautiful Consultant .
My intention is to help women who may have lost a sense of who they are ,in this mid -phase of life amid all the change it brings. 
I hope to help find your radiance and encourage you to let it shine .

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Contact me

Telephone: 07446193610


Address: Lanes End, Holt Lane,Lea,Matlock,DE45GQ


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